
This week, I’ve been working on the balcony space a bit. The plants I was able to get at the garden center last weekend are all doing really well, and some of the seeds I planted a couple months ago have surprised me and are popping up. The nasturtiums in the large handing basket are doing really well… as is the mint my daughter mailed (yes mailed) me from Potter County. I was able to find a couple pots online… pots sure are expensive!!! Even plastic ones… >>sigh<< .. but now the gardenia is in a nice, large pot so she can spread out a bit. Ironically, our apartment complex is having a contest of sorts, showcasing some of the pretty balconies here. So these are a couple photos I submitted. Personally, I am just really happy to have a tranquil space to sit and enjoy the sun.


I am still working consistently on the Give Away project. I am not sure if I will extend it into June or not. I find that it has been easy to find folks to send the pieces too… and there are lots more folks to potentially send too… so we’ll see. See the photo (below) of the earrings I made and mailed out this week!


..and of course, I am still posting daily snapshots. These are some of the photos I posted this week on Facebook.


… and we are all doing ok. … until next week ~~ see you then!