
Today would normally be a "creativity prompt" posting... featuring an old photo and a story or such.
But. Tomorrow I am having surgery... and while I expect everything to go easy and without incident, I thought that I had better post something to let folks know... just in case that it turns out that I am not able to post on my blog or facebook pages for a few days.
So. Please know that everything is most likely fine, I am just taking it easy for a few days. 
I expect to return to my usual daily postings on Monday, the 28th. 


Last night, it rained and rained... coming down hard at about 4am.
And while I didn't get much sleep at all... it was awesome.
Cool... and fresh... and incredible.


Not sure why, but I am not sleeping at night .... and am barely napping in batches during the day...
which means I am super tired... and feeling like I am not getting anything done. 
I am sure it is the lupus rearing up... but on nice days like this, it's especially trying.
Today's walk around the house to take a couple photos completely wore me out... 
and so I will bid you farewell, and see you all tomorrow.


I'm afraid I've been a bad influence.
Folks around here have been mowing their lawns for a couple weeks... and I managed to persuade my hubby to leave the yard alone for a bit longer than he wanted. We have a ton of violets, tiny white blossoms, creeping charlie, dandelions... and all kinds of natural wonders growing profusely in our yard... and I wanted the bees to have the most time possible to benefit from them. But today... was the day. It is probably going to rain the next few days... and the grass was well on it's way to unmanageable. 
And so... today I spent much longer than I thought it would take... to pick the blossoms from a large bunch of the violets in the yard. Years ago, I remember making a violet tea... as well as violet jam... and sugared blossoms for salads and desserts. My focus this time, is on the tea... so now I just have to wait for the blooms to dry... and find a recipe that is like the one I remember my grandmother using.
Here is a great source


It's been a very busy week... and I am eager to just relax... put my feet up... and chill.
I think the pup is right there with me 😁
Yesterday I was able to give ZeeZe a much needed trim, and he even allowed me to trim his nails and bathe him... which is awesome.
He's still on the fluffy/ moppy side ... which I adore. 
Today after running a bunch of errands and going to appointments (but it was nice to get out of the house), I treated myself to a much needed and much appreciated acupuncture visit.... and my sciatica seems greatly improved. I also stopped and picked up a few plants for some pots... and one for the yard. Every year on Earth Day we get a plant/ bush/ tree for our yard... and we missed it this year...
so I got a fabulous Salix Hakuri Nishiki bush... which I will take photos of later on once it gets adjusted. 
Anyway. For now... I have to think of something for dinner. 
Til tomorrow.... 


Back in June 2016, I started a new "series" of posts... if you will... 
 And so on Wednesdays; I've been posting an old photograph to inspire your creativity.
Write a poem!   
 Plot out a short story.
 Have inspiration for a piece of art or composition.... let your artistic soul shine.
--and occasionally I write my own sordid story or poem. 
 (you can click on the photos in this post to make it larger to see).


Billie always figured he was cursed.
Born to teenage parents, they had married because it was "the right thing to do."
But by the time he was a year old, he had been dragged back and forth between households more times than he could ever had imagined. Sad truth was, neither parent wanted him... they both had much growing up to do... and life to explore. He often was left with his great grandfather, a wheelchair bound veteran with poor eyesight.

No one knows if Billie was abducted, or if "old Sam" had merely forgotten he had the boy with him at the park and accidentally left him there... but when the rest of the family figured it out and went searching... Billie was gone.
What had happened, was a group of traveling followers of Hari Krishna had been passing by,
and Billie was gently and lovingly picked up by one of the young women in the tribe.
From there, Billie grew up on a farm in southern California.
He had several "mothers"... and lots of other children to play with; but life was restrictive, and hard.
He never went to school... and after a heated disagreement with the leader of the farm when Billie was 14; he left. By now, it was the early 80s. He was angry and disillusioned of the world.

He hitchhiked cross country several times by way of 18 wheel trucks that zigzagged him to most all the states. He got work on a cruise ship; and bar-tended his way across the oceans. His primary goal at this stage of life, was in the relationship area... and he often felt that he was the lone redheaded boy in a sea of ladies looking for that tall dark stranger... He left the ship when it was anchored in Hong Kong, and made his way through Asia. He loved the food, the country, the people. He began cooking with street vendors, and worked his way all across Europe making tasty food for folks in restaurants.
By the 90s, he had made it to Paris.

It seemed like all the "hip" folks were working in the dot com business then. And Billie felt lacking. He was a great chef, and in demand... but he wasn't raking in the big bucks or acquiring any of those other signs of success that he felt he should have accomplished by now. He wasn't married, and had no children either.... and he felt like he had "missed the boat" there as well.

Combining his love of Asia, and his skills at cooking... he opened up a cafe on the Rue de la Roquette called "Bistro Bangkok." He catered to the night crowd... the artists, musicians, the LGBT community and more. One night, in walked Coco... and it was love at first sight. Half Asian, Half Nigerian... tall, dark and swarthy.... everything he wished he had been when he was a child. He was smitten. Never mind that Coco was born "Estefan"... and was transgender. It just didn't matter. They both knew it was love, and that it was forever. Coco would sing every night behind the bar, and Billie would cook fabulous, elaborate dinners. Every night, they would stroll the Seine hand in hand to their one bedroom flat. Gone were the feelings of nothingness. Gone was the guilt that he hadn't done "well." Gone were all the presuppositions that he had put upon himself.
He was happy. And it was alright.


For today's post, I am going to focus on some books I've been reading.
I am not sure when I did the last post chronicling the books I've read... but I am sure it's been awhile.
(I think I am averaging 2 books a week)

*This is a continuation from yesterday's post:

Hitty: Her First 100 Years/ Rachel Field: Yes, it's a children's book. But it's amazing for the history.
A Mind to Murder/ P.D. James : another great mystery cozy.
The Foretelling/ Alice Hoffman : Kinda "far out" for an Alice Hoffman. Not sure if I liked it or not.
Skylight Confessions/ Alice Hoffman : very good... but sad.
Property Of/ Alice Hoffman : interesting, but tragic story
John Muir's America : gorgeous photography
Anderson's Tales (This was a vintage version): sometimes I like to get older editions just to look at the great illsutrations.
History's Worst Crimes/ Bill Price : reminded me of those "Ripley Believe it or Not" books when I was a kid.
Backyard Bestiary/ Ton De Joode with illustrations by Kees de Kiefte : absolutely gorgeous artwork
The Herb Book/ John Lust : this is a classic. I have a very beat up paperback
Angela Carter's Book of Fairy Tales : wowee. This is glorious! I had to buy my own copy.
Summer Hours at the Robber's Library/ Sue Halpern : I didn't expect much... but it was really good!
Home Grown Tea/ Cassie Liversidge : makes me wonder if I could grow tea here in PA.
Backyard Foraging/ Ellen Zachos : excellent information!
Smoke Gets in Your Eyes/ Caitlin Doughty : totally wonderful, as are all her books.
Light in the Dark/ Edited by Joe Fossler : this is a collection... so I read the chapters by authors I was interested in. Very good.

...and I've started this series of mysteries by author Martin Walker.
These are the ones I've read so far:
Bruno, Chief of Police (#1)
The Dark Vineyard (#2)
The Black Diamond (#3)
The Crowded Grave (#4)

These books are SOOOOOOOO good. 
They are amazing for reading about everyday life... but also for the twists and turns of the mystery involved. Fantastic!


For today's post, I am going to focus on some books I've been reading.
I am not sure when I did the last post chronicling the books I've read... but I am sure it's been awhile.
(I think I am averaging 2 books a week)
So let's see if I can catch things up:

The Wisdom of Solitude/ Jane Dobisz : Interesting.. but like the author said, you can find solitude anywhere
... it doesn't have to be a mountain in Tibet
In Cold Blood/ Truman Capote : brutal. Well written
The Card Catalog: Books, Cards and Literary Treasures : just lovely.
Henry David Thoreau: A life/ Laura Walls  : I skimmed it.. because it's absolutely HUGE. But it's interesting.
The Rules of Magic/ Alice Hoffman : very good.
Literary Life: A Second Memoir/ Larry McMurtry : Well written, I just can't like the author.
A Year in the World/ Frances Meyer : interesting... but not noteworthy
Walden Pond (Photography)/ Bonnie McGrath : gorgeous photographs.
The Archivist/ Martha Cooley: Well written, but way over the top.
The Mistletoe Murder/ P.D. James : excellent, short, and easy.
Gold Dust Woman/ Stephen Davis : not authorized by Ms. Nicks.. so who knows.
Nothing that Meets the Eye/ Patricia Highsmith : wowee. Loved it.
Devotions: The collected poems of Mary Oliver : A adore Ms. Oliver's works, and this is a great collection
Sleep No More/ P.D. James : another brilliant cozy of mysteries
The Girl on the Velvet Swing/ Simon Baatz :tragic tale. Long and thorough though...
The One Inside/ Sam Shephard : The author seems to be a bit of a 'jerk'... but still worth reading.
The Gorgeous Nothings/ Emily Dickinson : lovely
It's Raining Frogs and Fishes/ Jerry Dennis: very cool. Someday I will probably buy a copy of this.
The Year of Living Danishly/ Helen Russell : I didn't like it. I think the author's presumptions dictate the whole  book.
Tales of Mystery and Imagination/ Edgar Allen Poe : this is a stunning Edition! Gorgeous plates.

for the weekend

Hope  you all have a great weekend!

((this photograph, is actually 2 photos I layered together. 
The first photo is a woodland scene and fantastic tree behind my house. 
The other photo is of the night skies, taken here in my yard)


Back in June 2016, I started a new "series" of posts... if you will... 
 And so on Wednesdays; I've been posting an old photograph to inspire your creativity.
Write a poem!   
 Plot out a short story.
 Have inspiration for a piece of art or composition.... let your artistic soul shine.
--and occasionally I write my own sordid story or poem. 
 (you can click on the photos in this post to make it larger to see).


I have been saving this photograph for Mother's Day...
I think it's perfect.


I'm having a rough day today... so I will just leave you here, with this photograph I took yesterday.

for the weekend

Yesterday we had a storm in the later part of the afternoon.... and the sunset was just amazing.
(if you look in the top photo, I was fortunate enough to even get some geese as they quickly flew by)
Hope you all  have a great weekend, and I'll see you back here on Monday.


... and today... we have violets sprouting all over the yard...

(( Check out my new playlist on YouTube: here ))


Tomorrow starts our local Maple Festival ... 
it's raining a nice, soft rain... and the Coltsfoot blooms are radiant...
birdsong is everywhere.


Back in June 2016, I started a new "series" of posts... if you will... 
 And so on Wednesdays; I've been posting an old photograph to inspire your creativity.
Write a poem!   
 Plot out a short story.
 Have inspiration for a piece of art or composition.... let your artistic soul shine.
--and occasionally I write my own sordid story or poem. 
 (you can click on the photos in this post to make it larger to see).


I love this photograph.
I have no idea where it was taken.... but I would guess the East Coast of the US,
based on the big brick building.
I find it wonderful that there are kids of every nationality and ethnicity there...
and they are all wearing hats!

Today I will not write a story for the photo... just look lovingly at all those adorable faces.